The favorite herb in stuffing for poultry and a great addition to any roast or flavored butter.
Use sage with a light hand it would overpower any other flavor easily.
Romans cultivated sage for its medicinal qualities and its leaves have indeed strong disinfectant properties, they also aid with digestion, and sage is still considered beneficial against the typical winter ills.
How to identify sage
Sage is a small evergreen shrub with velvety, grey-green, strongly aromatic leaves. Grows wild in the Mediterranean countries.
How to use and store
Sage is used for stuffing, with white meats -veal, chicken, turkey- and to flavor butter and cream. Often added to chicken or pork stews. Sometimes used to preserve food as much as to flavor it, as it is the case with some cheeses.
As most aromatic herbs, it is best when fresh. Though sage freezes relatively well it is not so successful dried or ground.
How to grow
Easily raised from summer cuttings. Water moderately, likes sun, cannot stand wind.
Cooking with sage
There are a thousand ways to use sage in cooking but it is ideal for quick recipes with meats like a veal or chicken escalope, or to flavor melted butter, used in turn to season fresh pastas or stuffed ones.
Tagliatelle with sage butter
Melt 2-3 Tbs butter in a pan, add 10 leaves of sage and simmer until the butter turns hazelnut brown in color. Cook 12 oz tagliatelle in boiling water with salt. Drain and season with the sage butter. Sprinkle gratted Parmesan cheese and serve.
Sage an onion is the traditional stuffing for duck in many countries. Use it also with other meats like chicken, turkey, lamb or pork.