Pumpkin roll
Pumpkin roll will become a favorite Halloween treat and one of the reasons is because it makes the house smell yummy. This pinwheel design comes from spreading cream cheese filling onto a flat pumpkin square and rolling it up.
Let's start!
Preheat your oven to 375° F and get your pan ready. Using a 1 x10 inch pan, spray it with butter spray. Lightly flour this as well.
Sift the flour, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon, allspice and salt into a large mixing bowl. Set aside.
Beat your eggs and sugar together, with a hand blender or food processor, on high until fluffy, about 5 minutes. You will know when it is enough because the mixture willl be thick and it will form a ribbon pattern off your beaters when turned off and lifted slowly out of the bowl.
Next, beat in 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract and pureed pumpkin. Slowly, add in the sifted flour mixture you set aside earlier. Gently mix thoroughly. Pour batter into pan, evenly spreading the batter.
Bake for 12-15 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Don't overcook. You want the cake to "spring back" when lightly touched with your finger.
While pumpkin is baking, take a piece of wax paper and lay it on a flat work area. Sprinkle this with powdered sugar and finely chopped walnuts.
Immediately, after cake is done, turn this carefully onto the dish towel that you have prepared. Sprinkle lightly with powdered sugar and roll up the pumpkin roll, with the towel. You want to do this while the cake is hot. Set aside and wait to cool.
Beat cream cheese, butter, and 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract until light and fluffy. Add powdered sugar and beat until smooth.
Once the pumpkin roll has cooled, you can carefully unroll it. If you have breakage, you can use your filling to fix the cracks. You will have fewer cracks if you roll the cake immediately out of the oven and wait until it is totally cool before filling.
Now spread your filling over the roll. Keep in mind that you may have some squeeze out so you will probably want to put less filling on the outside 1/2 inch of your roll.Once filled, re-roll your pumpkin roll. Lightly sprinkle with powdered sugar. Wrap in foil and freeze.
When ready to serve, slice thin and enjoy.
Probably, all that yummy smelling earlier from baking will make you want to eat these tasty treats right away.
Double the recipe and freeze a loaf for later when you need something absolutely delicious to serve up. It takes a little work if you're not used to handling your cakes, but once you've figured out the little tricks and how to mend your mistakes (if you make them) you'll become an expert.
Some recipes you find call for making pumpkin puree. You may try and find that buying pure pumpkin is by far, easier, less messy and just as tasty. You're going to add your own spices, so don't buy the kind with them already added.
You can use regular oil spray, but the butter spray tastes better.
Food in U.S.A.